Source Code Analysis & Reverse Engineering

Source Code Analysis & Reverse Engineering

For attorneys in commercial hardware and software systems litigation involving patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and contracts

Source Code Analysis & Reverse Engineering

For attorneys in commercial hardware and software systems litigation involving patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and contracts

We specialize in comprehending our clients' litigation strategies to strengthen their legal positions effectively.

We specialize in comprehending our clients' litigation strategies to strengthen their legal positions effectively.

We specialize in comprehending our clients' litigation strategies to strengthen their legal positions effectively.

We specialize in comprehending our clients' litigation strategies to strengthen their legal positions effectively.

One of our core methodologies involves reverse engineering the target product, employing techniques like teardown analysis or thorough software code reviews. By dissecting the intricacies of the target product, we gain valuable insights that enable us to strengthen claim charts and provide robust support for our client's legal arguments.

We leverage our proprietary LLM based auto analyzer to identify documents with source code, code language, intent, and logic, thereby accelerating the segregation and analysis of documents​.

Our Solutions

  • Source code examination

  • Source code comparison

  • Reverse engineering

  • Open-source exam

  • Al risk assessment

  • Patent infringement contentions

  • Prepare exhibits for expert reports

  • Refine technical arguments

  • Code theft

  • Contract disputes

Why Us?

LLM Auto-Analyzer

  • Identifies documents with source code, code language, intent, and logic

  • Accelerates segregation and analysis of documents

  • Improves review efficiency

  • Ensures data privacy and security

Domain expertise

  • Social media

  • Finance

  • Automotive

  • Crypto

  • Cybersecurity

  • Semiconductors

  • Embedded / IoT systems

Case types

  • Patent infringements

  • Copyright infringements

  • Trade Secrets

Multidisciplinary teams

  • Scalable on demand

  • Experts in unique domains

  • Paired-programming approach

  • Trained team

Our Approach

Pre-infringement / Patent infringement
  1. Pre-analysis Due Diligence

  • Understand client's product / patents / other related IP

  • Understanding the accused product

  • Extract overlapping feature sets for both the product (feature mapping)

  1. Software Architecture Analysis and Reverse Engineering

  • Analyze and create a list of software functions relevant to the client's IP

  • Analyze function calls and orders

  • Understand user stories of the product

  • Create a flow diagram of the software based on function calls

  • Reverse Engineering and app teardown analysis

  1. Claim Mapping

  • Analyze and compare software flow and function calls with patent claims or client's IP

  • Support evidence with technical documentation and academic theories

  • Perform product testing or debugging to fill the gaps

  • Develop test workflows to validate the functionalities of the different objects / functions of the software in comparison to patent claims

  1. EoU Report and Quality control

  • Create Evidence of Use report

  • Review by a senior member or attorney to validate the claim charts

Source Code Review: eDiscovery & Document Review
Tech * (Attorneys + Software Engineers + IP Experts) = Source Code Analysis Litigation Support * Rigour
  1. Segregate

  • Understand matter and product feature(s)

  • Identify document types with source code:

    • File extensions

    • Regular expression analytics

  • Identify relevant documents by key search terms

  • Assign domain experts based on file types / software

  1. Analyze

  • Programming languages

  • Features related to specific application

  • Open-source code

  • Third party source code

  • Libraries with external dependencies

  • Compare source code

  • Version comparison, meta-data comparison, error reports generated at the time of code creation using external tools

  1. Review and Tag

  • Review of segregated cohorts

  • Review Chain of Custody (CoC)

  • Create timeline analysis

  1. Quality Control

  • 10% stratified random sampling

  • 100% of the file extensions where source code was likely

  • 15% random sampling of other file extensions

Large Language Model (LLM) Auto-Analyzer
Ingest > Transform

Identify relevant documents by key search terms, assign domain experts based on file types / software

Detect Code > Tag

Trained on licensed data, 80 coding languages

Human Review
Prioritize > Categorize

Based on case protocol


To native app with data encryption and access controls

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Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
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© 2024 Iota Analytics. All rights reserved.

United Kingdom

lota Analytics UK Limited

4 King's Bench Walk,

London EC4Y 7DL

United Kingdom


lota Analytics Private Limited 1-8 Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160003 India

United States

Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
United States

© 2024 Iota Analytics. All rights reserved.

United Kingdom

lota Analytics UK Limited

4 King's Bench Walk,

London EC4Y 7DL

United Kingdom


lota Analytics Private Limited 1-8 Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160003 India

United States

Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
United States

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