Audio and video editing software patent infringement litigation

Audio and video editing software patent infringement litigation


End-client was a plaintiff in a cross-border patent infringement litigation of their flagship product

Project Details

  • Understand and 'feature-map' the product for both client and defendant

  • Re-review over 40K files tagged responsive by a prior review team

  • Validate files responsive only to the infringed application features including files with third party source code

  • More than 25 file types (images, emails, text, pdfs, json, etc.) including 7 programming languages (Python, C, C++, Java, PHP, Javascript, Angular)

  • Understand and 'feature-map' the product for both client and defendant

  • Re-review over 40K files tagged responsive by a prior review team

  • Validate files responsive only to the infringed application features including files with third party source code

  • More than 25 file types (images, emails, text, pdfs, json, etc.) including 7 programming languages (Python, C, C++, Java, PHP, Javascript, Angular)

  • Understand and 'feature-map' the product for both client and defendant

  • Re-review over 40K files tagged responsive by a prior review team

  • Validate files responsive only to the infringed application features including files with third party source code

  • More than 25 file types (images, emails, text, pdfs, json, etc.) including 7 programming languages (Python, C, C++, Java, PHP, Javascript, Angular)

Our Solution
  • Cross-functional expert team including attorneys, IP experts and tech specialists built a customized workflow and performed the review

  • Created cohorts based on technology expertise and segregated dataset based on:

    • file extensions with high probability of source codes

    • programming languages

  • Assessed code structure and functions, and segregated relevant source code applicable for UI or backend

  • Deployed IDEs to open files with technical issues programming languages

  • Assessed codes for use of third-party and open-source code from infringement perspective

  • Segregated open-source code for videos and marked them as non-responsive

  • Reviewed files for third-party source code for AEO tag

  • Identified libraries with external dependencies/algorithms and incorporated without proper licensing or attribution

Our Solution
  • Cross-functional expert team including attorneys, IP experts and tech specialists built a customized workflow and performed the review

  • Created cohorts based on technology expertise and segregated dataset based on:

    • file extensions with high probability of source codes

    • programming languages

  • Assessed code structure and functions, and segregated relevant source code applicable for UI or backend

  • Deployed IDEs to open files with technical issues programming languages

  • Assessed codes for use of third-party and open-source code from infringement perspective

  • Segregated open-source code for videos and marked them as non-responsive

  • Reviewed files for third-party source code for AEO tag

  • Identified libraries with external dependencies/algorithms and incorporated without proper licensing or attribution

Our Solution
  • Cross-functional expert team including attorneys, IP experts and tech specialists built a customized workflow and performed the review

  • Created cohorts based on technology expertise and segregated dataset based on:

    • file extensions with high probability of source codes

    • programming languages

  • Assessed code structure and functions, and segregated relevant source code applicable for UI or backend

  • Deployed IDEs to open files with technical issues programming languages

  • Assessed codes for use of third-party and open-source code from infringement perspective

  • Segregated open-source code for videos and marked them as non-responsive

  • Reviewed files for third-party source code for AEO tag

  • Identified libraries with external dependencies/algorithms and incorporated without proper licensing or attribution

  • Appropriately tagged 40K+ files

  • Identified 11.5K files which contained disputed application code

  • 70% reduction of overall responsive universe of documents - identified c. 30k files which were not part of the code in litigation but were related to supporting features of the application

  • Estimated cost saving of 80% of attorneys’ time and resources

  • Identified features related to user interface, potentially a part of the infringed code

  • Appropriately tagged 40K+ files

  • Identified 11.5K files which contained disputed application code

  • 70% reduction of overall responsive universe of documents - identified c. 30k files which were not part of the code in litigation but were related to supporting features of the application

  • Estimated cost saving of 80% of attorneys’ time and resources

  • Identified features related to user interface, potentially a part of the infringed code

  • Appropriately tagged 40K+ files

  • Identified 11.5K files which contained disputed application code

  • 70% reduction of overall responsive universe of documents - identified c. 30k files which were not part of the code in litigation but were related to supporting features of the application

  • Estimated cost saving of 80% of attorneys’ time and resources

  • Identified features related to user interface, potentially a part of the infringed code

Facts & Figures


Lines of code


Lines of code


Lines of code








File types


File types


File types


Programming languages


Programming languages


Programming languages


Non-relevant files identified


Non-relevant files identified


Cost savings


Cost savings

Facts & Figures


Lines of code




File types


Programming languages


Non-relevant files identified


Cost savings

United Kingdom

lota Analytics UK Limited

4 King's Bench Walk,

London EC4Y 7DL

United Kingdom


lota Analytics Private Limited 1-8 Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160003 India

United States

Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
United States

© 2024 Iota Analytics. All rights reserved.

United Kingdom

lota Analytics UK Limited

4 King's Bench Walk,

London EC4Y 7DL

United Kingdom


lota Analytics Private Limited 1-8 Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160003 India

United States

Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
United States

© 2024 Iota Analytics. All rights reserved.

United Kingdom

lota Analytics UK Limited

4 King's Bench Walk,

London EC4Y 7DL

United Kingdom


lota Analytics Private Limited 1-8 Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160003 India

United States

Iota Analytics Inc.

8800 Roswell Road, Bldg. C,
Suite 230, Atlanta, GA, 30350
United States

© 2024 Iota Analytics. All rights reserved.